Friday, November 7, 2008


The most important thing about using the Web, is students and teachers must know whether a site is reliable or not. Many of my students come into the media center and want the fastest and easiest information they can find. Whether this information is right or wrong they take the first resource they come across. They one need to find out who wrote the source and then determine whether it was written as an opinion or for educational purposes. They also need to look for grammer and typo mistakes. In addition, they should check the copyright date to see if the information they have come across is current. Another important aspect, is to check the site for advertisements. You should also check the site to see where the author abtained their information and see if the site has been checked over by a qualified educator to make sure the information is correct. All this can help students and teachers determine whether or not a site is realiable.

To make sure teachers and students know this information, I would first teach a class on finding quality information to the teachers. I would also teach this class to 7th grade English classes, so I cover all the students coming into the school each year. I would also put up posters in the media center that would covers the basics of finding quality information on the Web.

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